dahrl court fully furnished apartments in brisbane

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We’ll review those details now.

Note: Privacy consent may be required to contact your employment or prior rental agents. Fill and sign the form and send back to the property manager via sms text or email.

If your application is successful you will be contacted soon to make your bond deposit.

Deposit bank details appear below:

DAllura Family Trust
BSB# 034-061
A/C# 210920
Deposit Reference: BOND
(Add your apartment number here for example Apt 4 would be BONDU4)
Amount: = 4 x Rent Per Week agreed.

Once you are accepted your offer of acceptance is valid for only 24 hours during which time you are required to make a bond deposit to confirm your intention to lease.

NOTE If you can’t make a full deposit in that time at least half of the bond deposited is considered acceptable however full bond is required before start date.

Once you have made your deposit, send a screen shot of the receipt to the manager by email or sms text as confirmation of your deposit.

Thank you.
Dahrl Court management.